Thoughts, Ideas And Activities At The Landmark Place

Mar 10, 2024

How to Save Money and Time on Your Meetings

No matter what kind of business you have or wherever in the world you run it, there's a given reality that meetings are a part of it..

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Why Should You Choose DBC's Office Rentals in Kelowna?
Feb 15, 2024

Why Should You Choose Downtown Business Center's Office Rentals in Kelowna?

Kelowna For Your Lifestyle, The DBC For..

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Five More Ways To Scale A Business
Jan 7, 2024

Five More Ways To Scale A Business

We’re bringing you five more tips because it’s fundamental advice for any start-up that has big ambitions. The mailing list is..

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5 Ways to Grow Your Business in Kelowna
DEc 4, 2024

5 Ways to Grow Your Business in Kelowna

No-one can take away from the fact that building a new business is hard work and..

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How to Attract New Clients to your Growing Business
Nov 5, 2024

How to Attract New Clients to your Growing Business

If you work from home, you may have set up a home office, whether that be..

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Oct 9, 2024

How to build a winning team

A winning formula to business isn't just about your product, service or idea. You..

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Why Your Kelowna Start-Up Really Needs an Office Space
Sept 3, 2024

Why Your Kelowna Start-Up Really Needs an Office Space

Working patterns just aren't the same anymore. Long gone are the days when you are expected to clock-in at 9 and be..

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Stay Connected in Kelowna with DBC and TELUS
Aug 21, 2024

Stay Connected in Kelowna with DBC and TELUS

As you already probably know (and if you didn’t, surprise!), there are a tonne of benefits to renting office space at The Downtown Business Center..

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6 Strategies Successful Entrepreneurs Do Differently
Jul 9, 2024

6 Strategies Successful Entrepreneurs Do Differently

Sophia Amoruso, Bill Gates, SundarPichai… it’s clear these ultra-talented CEO’s have all found the secret of success in business and..

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3 Simple Ways to Network Like A Pro in Kelowna
Jun 6, 2024

3 Simple Ways to Network Like A Pro in Kelowna

I’m sure we don’t need to already tell you this, but we will anyway. Networking is necessary for business growth. There, we said it! By meeting other people..

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BBB, OMG, DBC = 3 Businesses, 1 Awesome Networking Mixer
May 2, 2024

BBB, OMG, DBC = 3 Businesses, 1 Awesome Networking Mixer

There’s something special about a group of businesses joining forces to create a local networking event in Kelowna..

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Top 5 Benefits of Downtown Kelowna Office Spaces
Apr 12, 2024

Top 5 Benefits of Downtown Kelowna Office Spaces

Kelowna is an easy place to love, especially when you work in the same location as the excitement..

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Mar 10, 2024

Top 2019 Business Trends in Kelowna

One thing’s for certain, things are pretty uncertain in the world: trade, interest rates, unemployment, stocks and markets..

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